Research Performance Index

Quantitative Performance Index

정량적 성과지표 안내표 : 항목벌 사업기간 내 최소목표를 보여주고 있습니다.
Category Minimum Goal Within Project Period
Common Ground Module Domestic Patent 18 registered (39 applications)
International Patent 5 registered (22 applications)
SCI(E) Paper 73 papers (10 papers JCR 10%)
Technology Transfer 3 items (Technology fee over 1.5 billion won)
Common Ground Module Prototype Developed 20 types total
Drive module 5 types
Carrier module 5 types
Diagnosis module 4 types
Treatment module 3 types
Recognition and visualization module 3 types
Integrated System Domestic Patent 6 registered (8 applications)
International Patent 5 registered (5 applications)
SCI(E) Paper 10 papers (2 papers JCR 10%)
Target Disease 3 types (solid cancer, circulatory system, digestive system)
Micro medical robot integrated system prototype development
Outcome Exchange Meeting 4 times a year
Establishment of Korea Micro Medical Robot Society
Participation in the Korea Micro Medical Robot Association
2 International Conference Hosting [IEEE BioRob, ISR]